Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Babies or the Bubba's?

Quick story: Lucy, in all her infinite wisdom, could not figure out how to hold her baby doll and her bubba's at the same time this morning. Frustration turned to tears which were finally solved when I placed the baby on top of her head so she could hold her bottle and drink! Crisis Averted! Oh, the many trials and tribulations of Lucy's life!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fall Cleaning

In true Norm fashion...James has been wandering around the house all morning looking for things to throw away! LOOK OUT! :) He's in his nesting mode again. Thank goodness one of us takes this new baby thing seriously.

I flew home yesterday afternoon after a week in Charlotte and got a wonderful surprise...James and Lucy waiting for me at Baggage Claim. Best surprise ever. :) Plus, to my delight Lucy wasn't mad at me. I had been hearing all week that she would be mad and not want to be around me. So happy everyone was wrong!

What Came First...

The Chicken or the Egg. In Lucy's case, the CHICKEN!!!

We just want to thank Molly and Acey for the adorable Chicken Halloween costume! :)

Standing on EVERYTHING!!

Everyday Lucy gets stronger and loves to pull herself up on everything.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Happy-Mama's Feelin' a Bit Better....

Thanks to my first ob-gyn appointment and a run to the pharmacy...I can now thankfully say that I got through an entire day without tossing my cookies! Thank goodness for anti-nausea medication.

Ahh-Ohh Spaghetti-O's

Lucy's first taste of Italian! Boy was it yummy...and really, really MESSY!

High Five Daddy-O

Could Lucy love Daddy anymore?
We don't think it's possible.

Cool Lucy

I know I've been a little behind on my picture sharing! So here are a few new pics of the Lucy Bear!
She loves Grandpa's sunglasses!

First Gopher Game of the Season

Tailgating was a blast and I think I might be in love with outdoor stadiums!!! Weather was perfect andit was fun to be a part of the new stadium festivities! Go Gophers!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Tooff for Lucy Bear

Our sweet Lucy Bear has been busy this week growing a second little tooth! That hopefully explains her not-so-great nights of sleep these past few weeks. Speaking of teeth, Lucy and I have been busy keeping those two teeth sparkly clean thanks to Grandma Poo-Poo's baby tooth brush she sent all the way from 'Bama! Lucy loves having her gums and teeth brushed (although it could be the apple-banana flavored tooth paste!)

Little Blue's Still a Blueberry!

Hi Family!

James and I went to our first OB/GYN Appointment this morning. The ultrasound of Blueberry was really cool. We could see the heartbeat...running at an amazing pace of 148 beats per minute. :)

One small surprise was that we're not quite as far along as we thought. Period math had Blueberry at 9 weeks old...but, the ultrasound measured at 7 weeks. So...little Blue is still a Blueberry (at least this week).

Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Mama's Pregnant Again!

James and I are happy to announce that we are expecting our second child next Spring!