Monday, April 26, 2010

Things that make me PEE!

During these last blessed days of Pregnancy, one of the many joys I now deal with is constantly peeing in my pants. So I thought, instead of hiding behind my "Female Depends", I would just come right out and list all the ways I can pee during the day!
  • The Obvious: sneezing and coughing. (Let's be honest, sometimes that happens even if I'm not pregnant...although I think there's a pill for that!)
  • The Less-Obvious: standing up from a couch or chair. It's like my own special secret.
  • The Truly Bizarre: Passing gas (it's a gamble every time in more ways than one), folding laundry, and talking on my cell phone???
  • The Sure-Fire Change of Pants: LAUGHING. If I so much as giggle at Norm, I'm running to the bedroom for a new pair of granny-panties! (Really...did you think I was still sporting a cute thong! I now sport cute Fruit of the Looms.)

Here's the most recent link that sent me running:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sad State of Affairs...Happy Mama Hugs a Tree!

This weekend in a feeble attempt to see the glass half full, I made a paper-chain for each day of the week till my due date. This idea might have been cute if I hadn't taken it a step further and written on each link an affirmation from my Hypnobirthing Book....that's right, HYP-NO-BIRTHING!

So now each day I am reminded of how ridiculous I can be sometimes. Like today for affirmation is to tell myself: "I trust my body to safely bring my baby through the birthing process. I will breathe my baby down". OH GOODNESS. It seems I'm going to give birth to this baby while hugging a tree!

PS: On a side note, I am still keeping-up with my New Years Resolution to Recycle. (If nothing else to prove Norm wrong). I guess tree hugging is ok sometimes!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Norm Wins Top 3M Marketing Spiny Award

I just wanted to publically congratulate James for winning the TOP MARKETING AWARD at 3M for all his efforts on the Cubitron II Launch!


"Congratulations! You are a winner of the Corporate 2009 3M Global Marketing Excellence Award! The 3M Global Marketing Excellence Award Program honors marketing excellence by 3M marketing professionals from around the world. It recognizes individuals who have made exceptional contributions and who have clearly demonstrated marketing leadership. For 2009, 347 nominations were submitted and evaluated at the regional and/or business level and sixty-five of these programs were forwarded to the corporate level for consideration. At the corporate level, each program was reviewed and evaluated by two judges, and winners were selected as a result of these combined reviews. We're very pleased to let you know that your program was one of the corporate winners. We want to acknowledge your hard work and the effort we know it requires to achieve the strong results you've shown in your program. Please accept our sincerest congratulations on your outstanding accomplishment and on winning this very prestigious award. Regards, Senior Vice President, Corporate Marketing and Sales Executive Vice President, International Operations"


Week 36-Day 1: All hope is lost!
I am never going to sleep again. I am never going to be normal again.

Week 36-Day 2: Hope has been restored!
The doctor says I'm 2 centimeters dialated. Operation "Baby Out" has begun. Have high hopes that baby will be born today.

Week 36-Day 3: Still holding out hope...
Operation "Baby Out" is proving to be more challenging than originally planned. Exhaustion and sleep deprivation have slowed down walks.

Week 36-Day 4: Hope SUCKS!
Still Pregnant. Had a small crisis as none of my pregnancy clothes fit anymore. Hoping I get a good nights sleep tonight so Operation "Baby Out" can resume.

Week 36-Day 5: Hope has left the building...
Operation "Baby Out" has been aborted until further notice and has been replaced by Operation "Kill Norm". Only 3 hours of sleep last night. Continue to verbally abuse husband as this is entirely his fault. Would walk to pharmacy to buy lifetime supply of condoms if I wasn't so darn tired. Instead, will lay on couch and eat mint brownies and potato chips to drown my sorrows. Vow not to share delicious snacks with anyone.

Week 36-Day 6: Glimmer of hope!
Slept 6 hours last night and only got up 4 times to pee. Have aborted Operation "Kill Norm" as I can't remember why this began in the first place. Considered wearing sweatpants to work but settled on cotton hammer pants and flip-flops. Only two days till my next doctors appointment where Operation "Baby Out" will resume with vigor!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lucy my Love...

Just some cute pics to satisfy the Grandma's! :)

Life Update...Gpa and Baby Margaret

Well, Gpa is being sent home (MN Veterans Home) today from Unity Hospital. Hopefully the break and increase in anti-depressants was just what the doctor ordered. Keep your fingers crossed.

Baby Margaret is getting anxious...or at least that's what I like to tell myself. I continue to have braxton-hicks/contractions and am now dilated 2cm. YAY! Hopefully this little munchkin continue's to spin and roll her way downstream. :) Although daddy wants her to wait till after Saturday...the Turtle's are playing in Mpls! God-forbid I were to give birth before he gets to jump around in the mosh-pit in flannel! :)