Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Congratulations to Noelle and Blake Elliott on the birth of their twins, Hudson and Harper. James and I are delighted for the two of you. Can't wait to meet the two munchkins in person!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Cabin Visit #1 - 2010
Well...the girls and I just got back from our first trip up to the cabino (Daddy stayed behind to play with his boyfriends all weekend) and ohhhh have things changed since last summer. For one, Lucy is mobile, busy, curious, and ready to rumble. And don't forget the little nugget that's slipped into our pockets three weeks ago. A special thanks to Jim, Cathey, and Zita for all the help this weekend taking care of Lucy and Greta as it appears I'm petrified to be alone with my own children for long periods of time (can you say Mom of the Year!).
As you can see, Lucy has found her new favorite cabin activity...rides on the Golf Cart with Boppa. (The "Mom of the Year" part of me loves that her favorite activity doesn't involve any effort on my part! Thank goodness for Boppa.) Greta's favorite cabin activity is staying up late with Grandma while mommy get's her beauty rest (thank you Cathey for loving Greta at midnight). Finally, mommy's favorite activity continues to be long naps on the couch and indulging in boxed wine with Cathey! So glad it's finally SUMMER!!
I'd like to wish Noelle and Blake Best Wishes for the birth of their twins tomorrow. Take care and enjoy the moment!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Molly and Ryan had their 20 week appointment...and it's a BOY!! Congratulations! I am so looking forward to meeting this strapping young buck in person. Half way there Molly...hang in there.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
After all that waiting, Greta finally decided to make her grand debute May 1, 2010. Contractions started around 3:00pm and she was born (sans doctor) at 6:42pm at St.Josephs Hospital. The whole experience was quick and painful...culminating to a 2 minute contraction where I pushed her out. YOWSERS!
But, let me tell you it was worth it because she is beautiful and healthy. James and I have once again been blessed.
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