Sunday, January 30, 2011
Part 2 - Kiddo's had FUN too!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Syrupy Goodness...
Ok let's be honest, I am not one of those sappy mothers who cannot possibly put into words the joy and reward of being a mom. "Mother of the Year"...probably not! Not to say that I don't try...but unlike some, I always seem to get caught-up in logistics and never quite find that peaceful serenity that so many drone on and on about. My peace and serenity is found when the babysitter is on time or the in-laws have agreed to watch the girls for the weekend. My peace is sitting in a quite coffee shop with a cup of tea and a people magazine. Very rarely do I pair "peace and serenity" with "Lucy and Greta". (Like I said, not really winning any awards). But this morning, despite myself, I had a moment. A moment of such peace and serenity that I felt it necessary to step away from my normal "cup-half-empty" attitude just long enough to blog about it (don't worry, still as self-absorbed as ever). So please forgive me for this momentary lapse in, well, normal-ness.
As most of you know, Lucy has "graduated" to a big-girl bed. The transition has been fairly seamless minus one little hiccup...she can now get out of bed at will! Awesome! This has lead to some super-fun bedtime throw downs where a pile of Lucy's favorite "bed-things" end up in a heap on the floor outside her door. It's also led to a nasty little habit of Lucy wandering into our bedroom at 4:00am (when she knows our defenses are down and our resilience is weak) wanting to crawl into bed with "Mommmmmmyyyyyyy". This habit was quickly squelched with the simple addition of an alarm clock in her bedroom.
But this morning I heard little whimpering's and made the decision, despite my better judgment, to throw caution (and sleep training) to the wind and go get the little munchkin and bring her back into our bed. Now here it comes, what you've all been anxiously waiting for, that moment of peace and serenity. That syrupy goodness of my little bear sleeping sweetly next to me. Tucked neatly into a ball in my nook, with her chubby little arm around my neck, suckie in mouth, and her silkie clutched tightly in her other hand. Peace and Serenity! Fleeting but wonderful.
I may not win "Mother of the Year" and for the most part, I'm perfectly ok with that. But I'd like to think that in those moments when no one is looking, I just might be a winner in Lucy and Greta's eyes...and that is something I'm also perfectly ok with!
As most of you know, Lucy has "graduated" to a big-girl bed. The transition has been fairly seamless minus one little hiccup...she can now get out of bed at will! Awesome! This has lead to some super-fun bedtime throw downs where a pile of Lucy's favorite "bed-things" end up in a heap on the floor outside her door. It's also led to a nasty little habit of Lucy wandering into our bedroom at 4:00am (when she knows our defenses are down and our resilience is weak) wanting to crawl into bed with "Mommmmmmyyyyyyy". This habit was quickly squelched with the simple addition of an alarm clock in her bedroom.
But this morning I heard little whimpering's and made the decision, despite my better judgment, to throw caution (and sleep training) to the wind and go get the little munchkin and bring her back into our bed. Now here it comes, what you've all been anxiously waiting for, that moment of peace and serenity. That syrupy goodness of my little bear sleeping sweetly next to me. Tucked neatly into a ball in my nook, with her chubby little arm around my neck, suckie in mouth, and her silkie clutched tightly in her other hand. Peace and Serenity! Fleeting but wonderful.
I may not win "Mother of the Year" and for the most part, I'm perfectly ok with that. But I'd like to think that in those moments when no one is looking, I just might be a winner in Lucy and Greta's eyes...and that is something I'm also perfectly ok with!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Happy Babies!
Lucy is such a little helper these days. She was so proud of herself when the two of us made a cake. She helped stir and decorate.
As always, Greta is smiling. She continues to amaze us with her happy, easy-going nature. Even though this pic was taken at 9:30pm and she was crashing our happy-hour, we couldn't help but let her hang out with us. How could we not with that smile!
Has it really been 2 months since my last post? For all you faithful followers, I'm sorry for abandoning my post (pun intended). The Holidays and then James' National Sales Mtg left me too tired and busy to take time to reflect on life.
Having said that, I'm happy to report that all Norm's hard work has paid-off and the mtg was an "EPIC" success. James is still basking in the glow of congratulatory emails...and I am basking in the glow of the recent return to normal. Although there was nothing "normal" about this weekend. James surprised me with a fantastic date night (on his allowance) to a great steakhouse where I drank too much wine and ate too much food. (Thank you Tim and Melissa for taking care of the girls on such short notice).
Steak dinner aside, I believe my favorite part of the weekend was Friday night when Norm and I woke up at 1:30am to Lucy crying out for Mommy...not her normal sleepy noises but a real cry. Low-and-behold, Lucy threw-up all over herself and her bed (joy). After hosing her off in the shower I laid her next to daddy in our bed. As I was returning with her diaper I hear her announce, "I Pee"....really? Really? Really. I can't think of anything more fun than trying to clean-up puke-filled sheets while dry heaving into the laundry basket and then scrubbing our mattress because I didn't have the forethought to purchase a water-proof mattress pad for our bed. Oh yeah, and all at 2:00am. Who needs a good nights sleep anyways?
Well, if you've gotten this far than hats-off to you. I would have bailed at throw-up but I appreciate your tenacity and time.
Back-of-the-envelope update: Lucy is doing great. She seems to have hit a really nice stride right now with a lot more hugs and kisses and a lot less whining and temper-tantrums. A real joy to be around these days. Greta gets bigger and stronger every day. She is pulling herself up on anything that stands still and crawls as fast as her little peg-leg will take her to keep up with Lucy. Her new favorite foods include Chef Boyardee ravioli and hot dogs! Dinner of champions.
PS: New Years Resolution - Read the bible. Status: Page 12.
Having said that, I'm happy to report that all Norm's hard work has paid-off and the mtg was an "EPIC" success. James is still basking in the glow of congratulatory emails...and I am basking in the glow of the recent return to normal. Although there was nothing "normal" about this weekend. James surprised me with a fantastic date night (on his allowance) to a great steakhouse where I drank too much wine and ate too much food. (Thank you Tim and Melissa for taking care of the girls on such short notice).
Steak dinner aside, I believe my favorite part of the weekend was Friday night when Norm and I woke up at 1:30am to Lucy crying out for Mommy...not her normal sleepy noises but a real cry. Low-and-behold, Lucy threw-up all over herself and her bed (joy). After hosing her off in the shower I laid her next to daddy in our bed. As I was returning with her diaper I hear her announce, "I Pee"....really? Really? Really. I can't think of anything more fun than trying to clean-up puke-filled sheets while dry heaving into the laundry basket and then scrubbing our mattress because I didn't have the forethought to purchase a water-proof mattress pad for our bed. Oh yeah, and all at 2:00am. Who needs a good nights sleep anyways?
Well, if you've gotten this far than hats-off to you. I would have bailed at throw-up but I appreciate your tenacity and time.
Back-of-the-envelope update: Lucy is doing great. She seems to have hit a really nice stride right now with a lot more hugs and kisses and a lot less whining and temper-tantrums. A real joy to be around these days. Greta gets bigger and stronger every day. She is pulling herself up on anything that stands still and crawls as fast as her little peg-leg will take her to keep up with Lucy. Her new favorite foods include Chef Boyardee ravioli and hot dogs! Dinner of champions.
PS: New Years Resolution - Read the bible. Status: Page 12.
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