What an Easter! James and I had a blast building-up and playing Easter Bunny with Lucy and Greta. He came, ate his carrots, and left a crazy amount of eggs for the girls to find. And find them they did. On the stairs, in the sunroom, at Auntie Molly's house. Eggies were everywhere.
We attempted a family picture but getting all four of us looking at the camera at the same time is like trying to herd cats. Oh well, glad it was a lovely day and almost all of us are are looking.
Lucy loves Ms. Rachel at school and we've heard this song on more than one occasion! We're not entirely sure what Rachel has done to wiggle her way into Lucy's heart...but Thank you Rachel for all you do!
Things are moving at warp speed these days. Greta is walking and starting to talk. Lucy loves to sing, sing, sing. It's so much fun! I apologize that I don't have a lot more to say...but I think the recent video's speak for themselves.
Are we creating a good girl or foodie monster? Yes, I have stooped to rewarding (bribing) Lucy with goodies in order to encourage "good girl" behavior (it worked for Skinners rats). I know there are well-meaning parents out there that feel I'm creating a bad life-long food habit. Phewie! I feel I'm finally putting that B.A. in psychology to good use. Research tells me that positive reinforcement is the most effective way to modify behavior. I want, more than anything, for Lucy to get dressed in the morning without throwing a temper-tantrum (is that so much to ask?). Since introducing daddy bars and fruit snacks to the mix, I have a happy, smiley two year old who is dressed without as much as a mild protest. But does the end, justify the means? Am I really doing Lucy a service by rewarding her with food? HECK YEAH! To all the worry-warts and nay-sayers who feel that I am ruining my daughter by using food/stickers/etc to reward good behavior need to pour themselves a LARGE glass of wine and chill-out. This wine drinking, full-time working, loving mommy throws caution to the wind and trusts that genuine love, encouragement, and lots of "suckie kisses" will far outweigh the long term effects of a few "daddy bars".