Monday, August 29, 2011

You Complete Me

It seems when you have two kids, the life you once knew begins to slip away. You don't mean for it to happen; but the truth is beer-bonging, all-night benders are replaced by errand-filled weekends that start at 6:30am and end at 10pm (if you're lucky). You become a hermit...a slave to sleep and routine. And for the most part, you revel in the quiet comfort of the mundane.
Shockingly (yes, that's sarcasm in my voice), friends who don't have kids find this new lifestyle boring (a fair assessment). And you hear lots of stories about couples who find new friends...the parents of your child's preschool friends. People who can relate to the munchkins you love to brag about (despite the fact that you promised yourself you'd never be like that).
But Norm and I don't have to woo new couples to be friends with us. For some unknown reason, our friends continue to love us and include us in their fun adventures (no matter how many kids we poop-out). Who knows, maybe their keeping us around as their fallback couple in case they-too, find themselves with-child one day? Or would miss the verbal abuse they receive when "Jane" comes to visit. Possibly, they just haven't thought of a good way to break-up with us. Whatever the reason, Norm and I continue to find joy and happiness in the friendships we have. What a blessing to have such a great group of people in your life who support and love you no matter what. Thank you know who you are. "You Complete Us"! (glistening tear and cheesy moment, I know).

A special thank you to Blake and Stephanie for hosting Christmas in July year after's one of my favorite summer events. And to our besties for always making the supreme effort to come up to the cabino in August for our annual friends weekend. We love you!

Random Acts of Life

Greta...stop eating paint!

The photographer thought this was the best family picture...EEK! Will there ever be a Norman Family picture we can frame?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Neice is a STAR!

I can't believe Marina is such a big girl. Check out the following clip posted on her Dance School's website! She is the little girl on the right.