Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hard Knocks

I know I generally use this blog to post about all the craziness that happens in our lives.  But today...I'm going to use it as a place to vent a new frustration; one that is generally not part of my normal grievances.  Today, I'd like to talk about my job (What you say...I actually have one). 
For those who don't know, I'm an Audit Manager at Wells Fargo.  Specifically, I work on the Financial Crimes Audit Team which ensures business groups within Wells Fargo are in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations stemming from the USA PATRIOT Act, Global Sanctions (generalization), and FACTA.  Most days, I love my job.  I'm really good at it (hey...my blog...my horn tooting).  I earn a good salary and I work really hard.
But last week, I got passed-over for a promotion.  A promotion I didn't even really know I wanted until I was told it couldn't be mine.  *tear*.  Truth be told, I've never been this affected by a set-back in my job before.  In years past, when a job I applied for was given to someone else...it made sense.  That person had more experience, better qualifications, etc.  But in this instance, I was more qualified (or at least that's what I think).  Apparently, my bosses-boss thinks otherwise.  In fact, I've come to realize that the current role I'm in will, in no way, get me to that next level (boo).  This is a hard pill to swallow.  So, to move forward...I have made the decision to leave my beloved job and take on a new role within our group (double boo). 
Life is full of heartaches; but this one seems to be more hurtful than most.  I know I will get over it.  I've already put back on my game face at work.  But in more private moments, I'm grateful Norm has a strong shoulder and warm words of wisdom.
I'm sad.