Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Kiss from Sophie!

What Up Mom and Dad! I'm a sitter!

Ok...not the biggest fan of the hat!

YAY for standing!

Greta is truly a joy. She was becoming a bit of a fussy pants for a few days...but this Happy Mama switched formula's and all is well in the Norman Household again. Greta not only is happy, smiley, and giggley....but she's also crazy strong. In fact, just two days ago she pushed herself up from a squating position to standing (with Mommy's help for balance). POWERHOUSE!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe how big Greta is getting!!!! What a cutie pie. I see a little bit of Lucy in her now for the first time...Greta might have lighter hair when that comes in?? You guys do grow them STRONG! Baby boy Yamamoto better watch out!
