Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Wise Wo-Man Once Said...

"James and I need a swaddle for both our personal lives and marriage".

It is rare in life when you receive truly unbiased, honest advice. If you are a follower of this blog, I'm sure you know that life for this happy mama has gotten complicated since returning to work. In response to one of my blogs, my mom took the time to compose a bit of wisdom that has completely changed Norm and I's perspective...and I wanted to take a moment to share some of her thoughts and to thank her for "taking away the boo-boo's".

"...Your blog comments reminded me (mom) of a conversation I had with James while he was swaddling Greta. I asked him why do you do that...what is the theory behind this swaddling stuff? And you, James, said to me: The swaddling takes the disorganization out of her body so she can calm down and sleep...so why are you (james and beth) not doing the same for yourselves?"

1. If your work at Wells Fargo and 3M are what defines both of you and you both get great satisfaction from it...swaddle your work! Take care of it and do it well because in the long run, from what I know and feel from you two, your work is deeply satisfying to yourselves individually and thus as a couple.

2. Swaddle your family. Weekends are Kid-Time...PERIOD! Take them with you. Do stuff with them. Play with them. Teach them. Work around the yard with them. Be with them. Love and laugh with them. And surprise, surprise...You May LOVE IT! These first five years are critical for development and now that you have produced them, they are yours to form...but remember they are on loan and these sacrifices are not forever.

3. Swaddle your relationship. Take care of it because you can't afford not to. And remember, it's ok to ask for and receive help.

I'm sure my summary above could never do justice to the essence of the full letter...but some of it James and I will keep to ourselves. Thank you mom for loving us enough to provide such honest feedback. Know that it has made a difference in our work life, home life, and relationship. And that is truly invaluable!

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