Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Plague Lingers

Plague Journal:
Day 1: Wednesday, February 2. The plague has finally struck the Norman family. I received a phone call from Kelsang that Greta is running a 102.3 fever. Joy. Automatic day home from school. Being the good Mommy that I pretend to be, I have willingly volunteered to stay home Thursday to care for the sick baby. Feeling very positive that my motherly love and attention will immediately heal anything that ails Greta.
Day 3: Friday, February 4. Hugs and kisses; lavish love and affection have not cured Greta. WTF! Mandatory 12:30pm exit from the Wells Fargo Tower to pick Greta from school after she logged a 101.8 fever. TGIF.
Day 4: Saturday, February 5. Greta is better...I am an obvious healer. But wait! I'm a little achie and have an overwhelming desire to hug my mom. Oh GOD, I'm running a fever. James has quarantined me to the bedroom in the hopes of isolating the virus. Feeling very positive that a day in bed and a phone call from my mother will immediately heal me.
Day 6: Monday, February 7. Yesterday's vow to be well no matter what has backfired. I am now feeling worse than ever and am forced to waste a PTO day on the plague. Lucy has developed a fever and is currently poking me in the forehead. I'm so miserable San Diego. PS: Norm just received a call from school. Greta is running a fever...again. Seriously? Another automatic day home from school. Lucy better heal FAST!
Day 7: Tuesday, February 8. Feeling like a Rock Star. Norm is running a fever and has a confirmed case of the plague. Super Joy. (Although it works great for me because he is now an able-bodied adult to stay home with Greta). Lucy does not have a fever (right now) so I am dropping her off at school. Fast-forward to 3:00pm - the inevitable has occurred. A call from school that Lucy has a fever. ANOTHER automatic day home from school. (Is it wrong if I pray for my husband to stay sick)???
To be continued.....

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear you all have been sick...no fun at all. Thanks for the shout out ...Greta looks cute in the purple for sure. I have pictures of Lucy around 7 months old in the same stripe outfit Greta has on in this post...they girls are looking more alike these days. Feel better!

    Aunt Ellen
