Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Daddy Bars & Fruit Snacks...

Are we creating a good girl or foodie monster? Yes, I have stooped to rewarding (bribing) Lucy with goodies in order to encourage "good girl" behavior (it worked for Skinners rats). I know there are well-meaning parents out there that feel I'm creating a bad life-long food habit. Phewie! I feel I'm finally putting that B.A. in psychology to good use.
Research tells me that positive reinforcement is the most effective way to modify behavior. I want, more than anything, for Lucy to get dressed in the morning without throwing a temper-tantrum (is that so much to ask?). Since introducing daddy bars and fruit snacks to the mix, I have a happy, smiley two year old who is dressed without as much as a mild protest. But does the end, justify the means? Am I really doing Lucy a service by rewarding her with food? HECK YEAH!
To all the worry-warts and nay-sayers who feel that I am ruining my daughter by using food/stickers/etc to reward good behavior need to pour themselves a LARGE glass of wine and chill-out. This wine drinking, full-time working, loving mommy throws caution to the wind and trusts that genuine love, encouragement, and lots of "suckie kisses" will far outweigh the long term effects of a few "daddy bars".

1 comment:

  1. Whatever! Do what two kids are alike therefore the same tactics or rewards don't work for every kid. What are these daddy bars btw?
