Saturday, June 19, 2010


Lucy loves boat rides with Boppa!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Gals at the Cabino!

Lucy, Greta and I made the trek up to Alexandria yesterday afternoon. The girls were pretty good in the car...minus Lucy's complete meltdown in the backseat when she dropped her book and I couldn't get my gumby arms to stretch that far (hard to believe). I mean, my arms are freakishly long...but I'm still human. It's great to be here to have the support of Jim and Cathey while James is away. Plus, Cathey and Jim make it possible for me and Lucy to have some QT together. She is such a character. Here are a couple of cute pics from today. Lucy would live in her swimsuit if we let her. Unfortunately, those swimmy diapers don't exactly stop pee...which led to several awkward moments today in the lawn...and the garage...and the pool deck! What can I say...she's well hydrated.

I think we are all missing Norm in our own ways. Lucy won't say his name when I point to him in a picture. She just turns her head away. Me, I've turned to margarita's (oh that really any different than normal?). Either way, I am counting the days till he heads back to the states. Generally, I would tell you how many days till he's back in the states...but the margarita's have made my mind a bit to fuzzy for such complicated math. For those not in tequila-induced haze...he will be home next Saturday. :)

Cheers from Margaritaville!

The Next Tiger Woods???

...that is minus the weird sexual deviate tendancies! HA! Lucy loves to play golf with Mommy and Boppa in the yard.
It's Important to line-up the putt...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Norm has left the COUNTRY!

Well, I knew it was coming...but James just left for the airport to catch the red-eye to London. Is it possible to be jealous of Europe??? It's with mixed emotion that I write this as I'm so happy for him as he embarkes on his first international work trip; but sad and overwhelmed that he won't be home with me for two weeks. What can I say...I'm selfish and want him all to myself. The guy is always good for a laugh (and a midnight feeding!) HA! Plus it's hard because I know that Lucy won't understand why her daddy (rough-and-tumble partner) is missing! Poor Bear!

I appreciate all the love and support from everyone...offering to come over or stay over to help out. James and I really do have the greatest family and friends ever.

I better run to bed and catch a few zzzzz's before Greta wakes up!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Grand Old Days Parade

Events like this make me feel old! Especially when I see all the "20 somethings" partying on their apartment lawns and getting drunk...and I'm buying Elmo balloons and trying to find space to park my DOUBLE STROLLER! Although I did get to enjoy a Bloody Mary thanks to my "20 Somehing" neighbor. I guess I'm still cool sometimes!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Better Late than NEVER...GRETA PICS!

She keeps changing everyday!'