Saturday, June 12, 2010

Norm has left the COUNTRY!

Well, I knew it was coming...but James just left for the airport to catch the red-eye to London. Is it possible to be jealous of Europe??? It's with mixed emotion that I write this as I'm so happy for him as he embarkes on his first international work trip; but sad and overwhelmed that he won't be home with me for two weeks. What can I say...I'm selfish and want him all to myself. The guy is always good for a laugh (and a midnight feeding!) HA! Plus it's hard because I know that Lucy won't understand why her daddy (rough-and-tumble partner) is missing! Poor Bear!

I appreciate all the love and support from everyone...offering to come over or stay over to help out. James and I really do have the greatest family and friends ever.

I better run to bed and catch a few zzzzz's before Greta wakes up!

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