Friday, September 24, 2010

More Mother Ramblings...

Well, the boys hit the road this morning for Grand Marais which means a girls weekend for me, Lucy, and Greta. Greta is a super-star sleeper these days and no longer gets swaddled (wow, that went fast). Lucy is learning about a million different words and is continuing to try and communicate as best she can with us. It seems like the more she can say, the less frustrated she is with us. Although do not take that as meaning that she still doesn't have temper-tantrums. Oh my, she loves a good cry! But, they are a result of her not getting her way rather than us not understanding what she wants.

Norm and I continue to navigate our world with two kids...not always an easy path. We started a new morning routine the past two weeks which has greatly reduced EVERYONE's stress in the morning. YAY!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Greta's 4 Month STATS

26 1/2 inches tall (90% Percentile)
13lbs (50% Percentile)
Head Circumference (10% Percentile)

SO BIG! Such a tall drink of water! Just like her mommy. :)


Nope! Ears of Beans and Mac & Cheese. Sound crazy, well it's not. At least it's not if you're Lucy and you truly believe that Daddy can pulled cut green beans and macaroni and cheese from ears (hers or his).

I can't say I've seen anything as cute as Lucy trying to find green beans in her ears. Then prclaiming in Lucyese how amazing it is that daddy can do it! (Or at least that's what I imagined she was saying. The only words I could make out were daddy, blachky, bleachgy, blah.)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Smiles, Sitting, & Solids

Ok, maybe more shock-and-awe

Greta's first taste of solid foods.
Well, more like liquid solids...
For the first few bites, Happy wasn't sure that she liked it. But after about 3-4 bites, she couldn't get it in fast enough. Arms flailing, legs kicking, and squeals of delight tell this Happy Mama that Greta loves rice cereal. Way to go Happy Spunkin! Looks like we'll have another happy honker on our hands!

More Random Family Pics

The first Gopher game of the Season
Tailgating with Jim and Cathey

Summer may be coming to an end...but Norm soaks-up a few more rays on the boat.

What are these girls Doing??? :)

Guilt-Free Help Wanted

Four months, two weeks, and counting. It seems like Greta has been here forever. Some milestones have come so quickly(giggling, smiling, rolling over); while others are slow to arrive (sleeping through the night, sleeping through the night, sleeping through the get the point).
And what a change two weeble-wobbler's have brought to our life/relationship...or lack thereof. I haven't decided whether its lack of sleep or total chaos when we are awake that makes having a normal conversation with James impossible. And when we do finally get a moment alone, I seem to be lost for words. I mean, what is there to talk about anyways? Drop-offs, pick-ups, I spent, you spent, I do, you do, honey-do, your turn or mine? Logistics run our life. I love our girls but long for (miss) a more peaceful and less-scheduled existence.
I've started to day-dream about things I never thought I would want. Dinners without temper-tantrums; a good-nights sleep; independent wiping; guilt-free me time; guilt-free work time; a housewife! Society tells us that we (working moms) can do it all...but fail to mention the overwhelming guilt you feel when you can't. Or worse, the guilt you feel when you can't and have to rely on other to do things for you (paid or otherwise). The obvious solution is to give-up work...focus on family, right? But what if you love your job? Love that part of your life where you're actually good? I digress!
Life is good but complicated. At least I have Norm by my side. No one could ask for a better partner.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Recent Great PICS!

Labor Day Weekend

More than any other year, this Labor Day felt like the end of summer. The weather was cool and it was our last scheduled visit to the cabino for quite some time. Kind of sad that we have to wait a whole year to swim at the sandbar again, take a golf cart ride with Lucy, or enjoy a mojito on the deck at sunset. But, on the other hand I look forward to next summers cabin-time when Greta is big enough to go on boat rides, swim in the pool, and ride in the bike cart with Lucy. Oh how things will change by next summer.

Friends Cabin Weekend

Minnow Shots. Orange Golf Balls....everywhere! Goblets. Bean Bag Toss in Boxers. Day Drinking resulting in Night Napping. Golf Cart Rides.Booze Cruises.

This years friends weekend was another success. The weather cooperated and besides almost capsizing the boat in 2 foot swells (Norm hollered may-day and abandoned his post providing this happy mama with another opportunity to flaunt my nautical prowess and live up to my self-proclaimed nickname...CAPTAIN!), overall the weekend was a needed break from life.

Many, mnay thanks to our friends for making the supreme effort to travel up to Alex! We love all of you!