Friday, September 24, 2010

More Mother Ramblings...

Well, the boys hit the road this morning for Grand Marais which means a girls weekend for me, Lucy, and Greta. Greta is a super-star sleeper these days and no longer gets swaddled (wow, that went fast). Lucy is learning about a million different words and is continuing to try and communicate as best she can with us. It seems like the more she can say, the less frustrated she is with us. Although do not take that as meaning that she still doesn't have temper-tantrums. Oh my, she loves a good cry! But, they are a result of her not getting her way rather than us not understanding what she wants.

Norm and I continue to navigate our world with two kids...not always an easy path. We started a new morning routine the past two weeks which has greatly reduced EVERYONE's stress in the morning. YAY!

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