Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Guilt-Free Help Wanted

Four months, two weeks, and counting. It seems like Greta has been here forever. Some milestones have come so quickly(giggling, smiling, rolling over); while others are slow to arrive (sleeping through the night, sleeping through the night, sleeping through the night...you get the point).
And what a change two weeble-wobbler's have brought to our life/relationship...or lack thereof. I haven't decided whether its lack of sleep or total chaos when we are awake that makes having a normal conversation with James impossible. And when we do finally get a moment alone, I seem to be lost for words. I mean, what is there to talk about anyways? Drop-offs, pick-ups, I spent, you spent, I do, you do, honey-do, your turn or mine? Logistics run our life. I love our girls but long for (miss) a more peaceful and less-scheduled existence.
I've started to day-dream about things I never thought I would want. Dinners without temper-tantrums; a good-nights sleep; independent wiping; guilt-free me time; guilt-free work time; a housewife! Society tells us that we (working moms) can do it all...but fail to mention the overwhelming guilt you feel when you can't. Or worse, the guilt you feel when you can't and have to rely on other to do things for you (paid or otherwise). The obvious solution is to give-up work...focus on family, right? But what if you love your job? Love that part of your life where you're actually good? I digress!
Life is good but complicated. At least I have Norm by my side. No one could ask for a better partner.

1 comment:

  1. Well said my dear friend. You do amazing...at work, as a mommy and as a wife and partner to James.
