Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sad State of Affairs...Happy Mama Hugs a Tree!

This weekend in a feeble attempt to see the glass half full, I made a paper-chain for each day of the week till my due date. This idea might have been cute if I hadn't taken it a step further and written on each link an affirmation from my Hypnobirthing Book....that's right, HYP-NO-BIRTHING!

So now each day I am reminded of how ridiculous I can be sometimes. Like today for affirmation is to tell myself: "I trust my body to safely bring my baby through the birthing process. I will breathe my baby down". OH GOODNESS. It seems I'm going to give birth to this baby while hugging a tree!

PS: On a side note, I am still keeping-up with my New Years Resolution to Recycle. (If nothing else to prove Norm wrong). I guess tree hugging is ok sometimes!

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