Monday, April 12, 2010


Week 36-Day 1: All hope is lost!
I am never going to sleep again. I am never going to be normal again.

Week 36-Day 2: Hope has been restored!
The doctor says I'm 2 centimeters dialated. Operation "Baby Out" has begun. Have high hopes that baby will be born today.

Week 36-Day 3: Still holding out hope...
Operation "Baby Out" is proving to be more challenging than originally planned. Exhaustion and sleep deprivation have slowed down walks.

Week 36-Day 4: Hope SUCKS!
Still Pregnant. Had a small crisis as none of my pregnancy clothes fit anymore. Hoping I get a good nights sleep tonight so Operation "Baby Out" can resume.

Week 36-Day 5: Hope has left the building...
Operation "Baby Out" has been aborted until further notice and has been replaced by Operation "Kill Norm". Only 3 hours of sleep last night. Continue to verbally abuse husband as this is entirely his fault. Would walk to pharmacy to buy lifetime supply of condoms if I wasn't so darn tired. Instead, will lay on couch and eat mint brownies and potato chips to drown my sorrows. Vow not to share delicious snacks with anyone.

Week 36-Day 6: Glimmer of hope!
Slept 6 hours last night and only got up 4 times to pee. Have aborted Operation "Kill Norm" as I can't remember why this began in the first place. Considered wearing sweatpants to work but settled on cotton hammer pants and flip-flops. Only two days till my next doctors appointment where Operation "Baby Out" will resume with vigor!


  1. Hahaha......funny post my dear. I'm right there with you on so many accounts. Dang hands are numb while I sleep which is so uncomfortable, I average about 7 bathroom trips a night and none of my clothes anymore either-I wore something straight up rediculous on Saturday and didn't care a bit because it was comfortable and it actually somewhat fit! Praying for progress at your Dr's appt..keep us updated! You're SOOO close!!!

  2. You are so funny and I love you. Hang in there!!
