Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The 9-1-1 Pull-up Emergency

This afternoon I received an exasperated voicemail from our daycare provider. Lucy had used-up the last of her Pull-ups after nap time and no one else in the classroom is her size (i.e., your daughter is a mini-giant). She wasn't sure what they were going to do for the remainder of the day (2 hours).

I understand Lucy is big for her age, but really? Let's think outside the box ladies. I'm sure someone in the next room (3-4yr olds) rocks a 4T-5T pull-up. Are you really telling me that Lucy wears the biggest size pull-ups of all the kids in the entire school? Really? Really.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mundane at it's Best

James and I had a moment. Well, not really a moment; more like a weekend. A weekend filled with little family moments at home. We spent time at the park, the Children's Museum, and the dinner table. In this day and age, weekends like this are too few and far between. But, I will remember this one for awhile. Thanks family for a memorable one!

Monday, August 29, 2011

You Complete Me

It seems when you have two kids, the life you once knew begins to slip away. You don't mean for it to happen; but the truth is beer-bonging, all-night benders are replaced by errand-filled weekends that start at 6:30am and end at 10pm (if you're lucky). You become a hermit...a slave to sleep and routine. And for the most part, you revel in the quiet comfort of the mundane.
Shockingly (yes, that's sarcasm in my voice), friends who don't have kids find this new lifestyle boring (a fair assessment). And you hear lots of stories about couples who find new friends...the parents of your child's preschool friends. People who can relate to the munchkins you love to brag about (despite the fact that you promised yourself you'd never be like that).
But Norm and I don't have to woo new couples to be friends with us. For some unknown reason, our friends continue to love us and include us in their fun adventures (no matter how many kids we poop-out). Who knows, maybe their keeping us around as their fallback couple in case they-too, find themselves with-child one day? Or would miss the verbal abuse they receive when "Jane" comes to visit. Possibly, they just haven't thought of a good way to break-up with us. Whatever the reason, Norm and I continue to find joy and happiness in the friendships we have. What a blessing to have such a great group of people in your life who support and love you no matter what. Thank you friends...you know who you are. "You Complete Us"! (glistening tear and cheesy moment, I know).

A special thank you to Blake and Stephanie for hosting Christmas in July year after year...it's one of my favorite summer events. And to our besties for always making the supreme effort to come up to the cabino in August for our annual friends weekend. We love you!

Random Acts of Life

Greta...stop eating paint!

The photographer thought this was the best family picture...EEK! Will there ever be a Norman Family picture we can frame?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Neice is a STAR!

I can't believe Marina is such a big girl. Check out the following clip posted on her Dance School's website! She is the little girl on the right.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Love this Picture of Greta

Taken at Megan and Justin Lohr's wedding in Pittsburgh this past weekend.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Holy $H!T

One of my favorite times of the day is the early morning hours when I can hear the girls waking up. Talking to themselves and each other is both sweet and comical. So when I heard Lucy saying over and over again, "no-no Greta...no-no", I giggled a little in my sleepy haze as to what Greta could be doing. And in true "good mommy" form, elbowed Norm in the ribs to go get the girls; mumbling something about it being his turn.
But a little extra shut-eye was not in my cards. No sooner had he rolled out of bed that I heard him yell, "BETHHHHH....GET IN HERE"! As I tried to untangle my feet from the sheets and stumble out of bed, I see Norm holding our sweet baby out, like a disease, crying for Mommy and covered in....POOP. Poop in her hair. Poop in her mouth. Poop all over her face and suckie. Poop EVERYWHERE! Norm, like a deer in headlights, looks to me for direction. "BATH TUB. BATH TUB. GO. BATH TUB", is all I can manage to utter. Its so disgusting...and the wafting smell of poop is starting to seep out of there room. As Norm races Greta (still at arms length) to the bathroom, I bravely step into their room to survey the damage! HOLY $H!T! No really...there is $H!T everywhere. The back story to my rude awakening is beginning to unfold in front of my eyes. As I lean over her bed I see a diaper cast aside and a huge poop with little Greta finger prints all over it. It appears that Greta (that little stinker), removed her poopie diaper and played with it. Smeared it in the crib walls, sheets, blankets, and suckies. She also tried to eat it. No wonder Lucy was yelling No-No! YUCK!
In the end, both Greta and crib survived no worse for wear. But life lesson taken from this poopscapade...always make sure Greta is wearing shorts or pants to bed!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Arnie Palmers

I fear I'm becoming, well, one of THEM! You know the type. The ones that drone on about the amazement's of their children and the endless joy their little munchkins bring them; giving new meaning to the phrase, "so sweet it gave me a toothache". Well, at the risk of alienating those followers who enjoy my "cup-half-empty" blathering, I will just come out and say it....I LOVE MY GIRLS! There...I've put it out there for all to see. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH IT HURTS!
This current state-of-mind is not my fault (for the record). I put the blame entirely on my obliging ObGyn who up'd my dosage of happy pills to the point where, apparently, I can't find anything wrong with my life. I disgust myself.
I want to puke at all the sentimental thoughts that run through my head when thinking about Lucy's pigtails or Greta's dancing. And what's worse, if I did puke on myself, I wouldn't even be upset about it. I'd probably just shrug it off with a smile and revel in those crazy mother-moments when you get puked on!
What is wrong with me? I suppose I could chalk one up to, "time heals all wounds". But then I have to ask myself...was having Lucy and Greta really a wound? In a word....YES. (Can someone please remind me to delete this posting when they learn to read). Having a child is like a self-inflicted wound that, like anything else, takes time to heal. The wound is the loss of the person you once where. The freedom you once had. The body you once loved. But time heals and a different person emerges. One that doesn't take what little freedom she can find for granted. One that proudly shows-off those imperfect lumps and bumps as war wounds. Gotten in battle. Healed, but forever changed.
Life is full of lemons and I'm sure father-time will chuck a few more my way before years end. And don't fear, my blog will once again be filled with "glass-half-empty" Arnie Palmers! But today...today my cup runeth over!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Planner...How Could You?

I love my planner. I always have. It's small, compact, and a lovely shade of blue. I love it so much that I still keep the 2009 & 2010 inserts and flip through them from time-to-time in a quite moment of reflection! I once thought I lost my planner and was devastated. Inconsolable. Thought my world was crashing down around me. When finally it resurfaced from the depths of my "mom purse", I promised never to be so careless again.
But these days, my planner and I have had a bit of a falling out. I suppose it's not entirely the planners fault; what with those bossy Egyptians and Romans dictating it's basic outline. But, who else can I blame for the horror that has become the months of June, July, and August? Me!
Hardly my fault. Each weekend "box" had been carefully color-coded (by me) with cabin weekends, play dates, company picnics, and family weddings. But despite all my loving attention and organization, my planner viciously turned its back on me. White-out stains of abandoned engagements have turned my color-coding system to a blurry mess. Careless reschedules have been, of all things, penciled in leaving unattractive lead-smears in their wake. In short, my planner has allowed hasty planning to run amok and allowed my summer to completely become out of control. I suppose it was inevitable, but still. I feel my planner owes me an apology (and possibly a massage gift certificate) for all the stress its caused. Only then will I consider allowing it back into my life, my purse, and my favor.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Greta!

Greta's 1st Birthday!

You're such a big girl and we love you!

Thank you for making our life better!


I'm still amazed that one year has gone by since Greta came into this world. I can't help but reminisce about her birth and how quick and intense her labor was. I said it the moment I saw her red little face...Greta came into this world and slipped into our pockets; like she's always been there. Greta is a true miracle and I'm proud to say I'm her Mommy. Happy Birthday little one! Happy Birthday to my sweet, wonderful Happy!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

What an Easter! James and I had a blast building-up and playing Easter Bunny with Lucy and Greta. He came, ate his carrots, and left a crazy amount of eggs for the girls to find. And find them they did. On the stairs, in the sunroom, at Auntie Molly's house. Eggies were everywhere.



We attempted a family picture but getting all four of us looking at the camera at the same time is like trying to herd cats. Oh well, glad it was a lovely day and almost all of us are are looking.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Rachel Song

Lucy loves Ms. Rachel at school and we've heard this song on more than one occasion! We're not entirely sure what Rachel has done to wiggle her way into Lucy's heart...but Thank you Rachel for all you do!


Talking, Walking, and Singing

Things are moving at warp speed these days. Greta is walking and starting to talk. Lucy loves to sing, sing, sing. It's so much fun! I apologize that I don't have a lot more to say...but I think the recent video's speak for themselves.

Greta's first true word...BALL!

Lucy's ABC's

Greta's walking skill's keep getting better!

Daddy Bars & Fruit Snacks...

Are we creating a good girl or foodie monster? Yes, I have stooped to rewarding (bribing) Lucy with goodies in order to encourage "good girl" behavior (it worked for Skinners rats). I know there are well-meaning parents out there that feel I'm creating a bad life-long food habit. Phewie! I feel I'm finally putting that B.A. in psychology to good use.
Research tells me that positive reinforcement is the most effective way to modify behavior. I want, more than anything, for Lucy to get dressed in the morning without throwing a temper-tantrum (is that so much to ask?). Since introducing daddy bars and fruit snacks to the mix, I have a happy, smiley two year old who is dressed without as much as a mild protest. But does the end, justify the means? Am I really doing Lucy a service by rewarding her with food? HECK YEAH!
To all the worry-warts and nay-sayers who feel that I am ruining my daughter by using food/stickers/etc to reward good behavior need to pour themselves a LARGE glass of wine and chill-out. This wine drinking, full-time working, loving mommy throws caution to the wind and trusts that genuine love, encouragement, and lots of "suckie kisses" will far outweigh the long term effects of a few "daddy bars".

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Greta started walking this evening. She was so proud of herself. (Please forgive her messy face/shirt/etc. - Pudding for dessert). What a happy evening at casa Norman! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4chG-VQ3-A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F45bMseSzbU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3beTIGvR34U

Monday, March 14, 2011

We Came. We Stretched. We Plunged!

Thank you so much for all the support! We had a great time!

We Came. We Stretched. We Plunged! (Part Duex)

Can't Wait For Next Year!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Three Men and a Baby.....No wait!

Three Babies and a Man...

Ode to My Hairbrush...

To my dearly departed,
I cannot believe you're gone. After so many years you just slipped through my fingers. My heart broke in two the day you did...we've been through thick and, well thicker and I can't believe you're gone.
Through good cuts and bad, you untangled the snarls in my life. You were so many things to me...a travel companion; microphone; and personal stylist. You never judged those uneven layers and always complemented my highlights. This mop won't be the same without you. Rest in Peace dear friend! You will be missed!
All my love!

Home & Garden Show - Restaurant Masu Demo

Uncle Acey lit-up the Kitchen Stage at the Home and Garden Show last weekend. He did a Sushi Demo as a promotion for the new Restaurant, MASU, opening in April. It was a blast and TJ even got a "shout-out" from daddy!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I have to be honest...I've felt a bit uninspired of late. Thank goodness for technology that allows me to lay low and hide behind you-tube video's and posted pics. Not that life hasn't been inspiring...the girls have been wonderful Sharing a bedroom (part duex) seems to be working out and we've fallen into a good evening routine. And despite ourselves, Norm and I have been really good too. Maybe that's the problem? Life has been too smooth. No bumps to blog about.

To that end, I will quickly (and uninspiringly...is that a word?) update you with what we're been up to the past few days. This past Friday we crashed the Home and Garden show to watch Uncle Acey do a sushi roll demo for his new restaurant, Masu. He did a great job and it was fun watching him interact with the audience. He even gave a shout-out to TJ which was adorable. On Saturday Norm and I (along with Georgia, Andy, Keith, Katie, and Dave) took the plunge into Lake Calhoun for Special Olympics. Katie and I were "plunge virgins" but the whole thing was over before it began and I hardly even had time to be cold. I definitely am up for another plunge in the future.

Greta saw Dr. Cox who gave the green light to get tubes. JOY! Sort of bittersweet. I hate the idea of Greta having surgery; but rejoice in the idea of a world without frequent doctors visits and endless antibiotics. I just hope the end justifies the means.

Finally, I am patiently waiting out the next few weeks till my new job starts. Did I mention I got the "official" job offer from Audit? That's right boys and girls. I am making the move back to audit and couldn't be more excited about it. The 21st can't come soon enough.....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pics and a Quick Update

Mommy sneaks a kiss
Thanks to auntie Molly, Greta is now a HUGE fan of Bob Evans mash potatoes!
What a cheese ball!
Greta loves helping daddy do the dishes.
It's been an incredibly busy couple of weeks...which hopefully explains my lack of correspondence. The plague did eventually vacate the Norman abode...just in time for me and the girls to head south to Mexico, Missouri. That's right! I braved the open road with two babies for eight hours and it went really well. I was so proud....of MYSELF! I rocked the DVD player and snacks and books and suckies and toys and bottles and anything else they needed. And the visit was fun as well. It was great to see Mom, Molly, Ryan, Marina, and Teddy. We celebrated Marina's fifth birthday which amazes me. It seems like only yesterday that I was phone stalking Molly at the hospital wondering what birth feels like (still so sorry about that Molly).
Then last weekend we made the trek up to the Cabino for a fun day with the Huffer crew. The boys claim to have found a "secret spot" and actually caught a few walley's. Melissa, Bean, Lucy, Greta, and I just chilled and relaxed and enjoyed each others company. It was a great weekend.
Well, that's about it. I hope everyone is surviving this last leg of winter. I'm doing my best to stay positive that spring is near and am looking forward to begin training for the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon. Yup...I'm going to attempt to run 13.1 miles during Grandma's Marathon this year. I'm pumped and optimistic! Cheer me on!
One quick note...I'm happy to report that this happy mama just signed an offer letter from Wells Fargo's Internal Audit department. Lots of change on the horizon....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Greta Symposium

I've put together a few recent pictures of Greta. A snapshot of her many faces. This one I'd like to title...EXTREME CLOSE-UP!!!
Thanks to Great Aunt Ellen for the ADORABLE outfit. Greta wanted to thank you by baking a cake...but didn't get much further than finding the pretend kitchen.
This is Greta's "I swear I'm being good" face.

I like to call this one, "You busted me...but I'm too cute for you to do anything but laugh" face. This is Greta's "I'm not awake yet...please wait a few more minutes before we start the day" face.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Plague Lingers

Plague Journal:
Day 1: Wednesday, February 2. The plague has finally struck the Norman family. I received a phone call from Kelsang that Greta is running a 102.3 fever. Joy. Automatic day home from school. Being the good Mommy that I pretend to be, I have willingly volunteered to stay home Thursday to care for the sick baby. Feeling very positive that my motherly love and attention will immediately heal anything that ails Greta.
Day 3: Friday, February 4. Hugs and kisses; lavish love and affection have not cured Greta. WTF! Mandatory 12:30pm exit from the Wells Fargo Tower to pick Greta from school after she logged a 101.8 fever. TGIF.
Day 4: Saturday, February 5. Greta is better...I am an obvious healer. But wait! I'm a little achie and have an overwhelming desire to hug my mom. Oh GOD, I'm running a fever. James has quarantined me to the bedroom in the hopes of isolating the virus. Feeling very positive that a day in bed and a phone call from my mother will immediately heal me.
Day 6: Monday, February 7. Yesterday's vow to be well no matter what has backfired. I am now feeling worse than ever and am forced to waste a PTO day on the plague. Lucy has developed a fever and is currently poking me in the forehead. I'm so miserable San Diego. PS: Norm just received a call from school. Greta is running a fever...again. Seriously? Another automatic day home from school. Lucy better heal FAST!
Day 7: Tuesday, February 8. Feeling like a Rock Star. Norm is running a fever and has a confirmed case of the plague. Super Joy. (Although it works great for me because he is now an able-bodied adult to stay home with Greta). Lucy does not have a fever (right now) so I am dropping her off at school. Fast-forward to 3:00pm - the inevitable has occurred. A call from school that Lucy has a fever. ANOTHER automatic day home from school. (Is it wrong if I pray for my husband to stay sick)???
To be continued.....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Public Discipline - Necessary Evil???

So I had my first real taste of "Public Discipline" yesterday afternoon courtesy of Lucy. I guess "public" is relative as it was only in her school classroom. But public enough for me, thank you. The whole thing felt like a painful episode of "Super Nanny"...the ultimate struggle for power; naughty vs. nice; 2 year old pitted against weary, embarrassed parent. Except it was my painful episode and my audience was professionally-trained school teachers.
I'm not sure what possessed Lucy to go on a "slapping-spree". But there was no way I could turn a blind-eye and race out of the room to the car where I have cleverly installed restraints. Nope, this behavior required immediate consequences. Sooooo, armored with my shaky resolve and 2-3 online parenting articles, I plopped that mass of flailing arms and legs in a chair in the corner and calmly told her she was in timeout for 1 minute (because Lucy can tell time??) for hitting, well, everyone in her path. And then I stood up. And she stayed put........for about 5 seconds.
Ding - Round One. I chase after her like an idiot; dragging her back to the "timeout chair" three or four times. Each time resulting in immediate escape. Greta begins to cry and I start to feel a little overheated (why did I wear my tundra parka?).
Ding - Round Two. Lucy gives-up on the "hit-and-run" tactic and tests the waters by throwing herself on the floor right in front of the chair and playing dead. As I "gently" pick her up and set her back in the chair, she immediately melts back to the floor. I'm now sweating...a lot. Greta is wailing and a teacher has taken pity on the child and picked her up. I conceded and peel off my floor-length parka to reveal red and white polka-dot flannel bottoms and an old t-shirt (no bra). Lord...can it get any worse?
Ding - Round Three. Yes, it can get worse! Two well-dressed parents waltz into the room and are now part of the peanut-gallery watching me struggle to keep Lucy in timeout for a whopping 60 seconds (may I remind you I am still in my f-ugly Pj's). I can start to feel victory slipping through my fingertips as peer-pressure/embarrassment start to chip away at my already weakened resolve. Lucy's current ploy is sliding herself and the chair away from the "timeout spot". Really? Really.
Ding - Round Four. Greta's in tears. Lucy is now in tears. I'm almost in tears. But wait! Can it be? I check my watch again and....the clouds break, waters part, and miracle-of-miracles, Lucy has stayed in the "Timeout chair" for 1 minute! VICTORY! I want to jump up and down and celebrate (wait...no bra) but decide that a quick exit is best. I grab my coat (way too hot to put it on), put Greta back in her car seat, and turn to help Lucy into her coat. "Lucy, let's get your coat on. It's cold outside." NO!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winter Weekend at the Cabin...Adult Version

Part 2 - Kiddo's had FUN too!

The girls had a great weekend too! Maya and Lucy made brownies and a cake. The adults were nice enough to eat the finished products for them! Yummy!

The girls were amazed by the minnows Norm bought for ice fishing. Lucy loved her fishies-in-a-jar so much that she took them to bed with her Saturday night.

Greta was so proud of herself this weekend. She gets stronger everyday and will take those first solo steps soon! OMG!